
Here’s what people are saying

  • "I was just overwhelmed with happiness with the beautiful water color painting that Mary did. It looks just like my beloved cat. She even captured her expression. Mary was a joy and an extremely talented artist"

    - Janet Verified Etsy Buyer

  • "Mary is an AMAZING artist. My grandmother was unable to attend my wedding so I commissioned Mary to paint her into one of my wedding photos. It was such a wonderful gift and brought tears to my eyes when I saw it."

    - Natalie Verified Etsy Buyer

  • " The detail and beauty was far beyond my expectations."

    - Jackie Verified Etsy Buyer

Interested in a commissioned piece?

I would love to be a part of your next project! Take a look at my Etsy Shop for watercolor commissions and fine art prints

—> Don’t see what you are looking for? Feel Free to email me with any other inquiries or questions at: